
MTI BioScience Webinar Series

MTI BioScience is holding educational webinars and you are invited! These webinars will cover a variety of topics relating to the use of continuous thermal processing in the\ biotechnical and biopharma industries. Each Webinar will be about an hour long. They will have a variety of formats, but many will include equipment demonstrations.

Webinar 1

May 5 at 11:00am EST

Topic: Continuous Thermal Sterilization of Media

Continuous Thermal Sterilization (CTS) uses constant, gentle, thermal exposure to sterilize media. Our technology yields exceptionally high quality, uniform media that suffer a fraction of the damage compared to batch thermal processes. Additionally, CTS provides very high levels of sterility assurance and can be easily scaled up or down to meet changing demand. Come learn more about this highly effective process and how you can benefit from integrating it into your facility. We will also conduct a demonstration of our CTS system sterilizing media, with real-time views of touchscreen controls and system capabilities.

Webinar 2

May 12 at 11:00am EST

Topic: Continuous Viral Inactivation

Continuous Viral Inactivation (CVI) uses constant, gentle, non-sterilizing thermal exposure to inactivate viruses. This technology yields exceptionally high-quality media and eliminates handwork and chemical procedures. This equipment can quickly scale up or down to meet changing demand. Come learn about this unique process, its flexibility, and its capabilities. Also, learn how you can benefit from integrating this continuous process into your facility. We will also conduct a demonstration of our CVI system with real-time views of touchscreen controls and system capabilities.